Dialogue – Sphere


Dialogue – Sphere

Times Art Museum, Beijing, China

Chengdu Times Art Museum, China



This installation was on show at an exhibition titled ‘WAVELENGTH: A Momentary Spring’ at Beijing Times Art Museum and Chengdu Times Art Museum in China, as one of 14 installations by 14 artists and art groups. 
This piece is based on Correspondence series created in various locations in different times. The new installation and Correspondence series are closely related but the former is not a mere recreation of the past pieces. They are very different in some respects, but at the same time, they share the essence. 
The nature of the installation site for ‘Dialogue – Sphere’ is quite different from the past sites and the installation process was re-thought. A large number of people were involved in preparing materials, testing out various processes, and installing the final piece. The work, I hope, triggers dialogues in many levels. The piece was also an outcome of ‘dialogues’ between myself and people involved in making this installations possible.








Credit of the vide and all photographs on this page: WAVELENGTH Exhibition